Creating, a walk thru life.
Often, as we
travel through life we are challenged to go an
extra step. As my children grew I realized they
would someday be on their own and that I needed
to create a world where I could continue to
travel while their lives went down a different
lane. I returned to college and to growing in my
creativity. I learned to communicate not only
with others but with the inner being within me.
I learned this being need to be free to grow and
to always be challenged. In the 60's I learned
to abstract from what my eyes saw to what my
mind's eye interpreted. In the 70's I grasped
many of the realities of life, while in the 80's
I dealt with those realities and grew. In the
90's I have arrived at a crossroad and have made
choices which would have been impossible at any
other time, hoping that in the new millenium I
will arrive where God has shown me the way to go.
Great-Great grandma's quilt. |

My grandmother started this quilt between 1905 and 1910.
About me & My Quilts
Many, (many?) years ago my grandmother
took me to my first 'quilting' in the church
basement. I don't think I was much more than 6 or
7 at the time but all the same I was hooked(sewn).
As achild I learned todo anything I could with a
needle and then discovered drawing. My
grandmothers were two of the most influential and
wonderful people in my development of my skills
and so I suppose would have to be considered in
any creative endeavor I attempt (including these
pages). I hope you will enjoy your travels through
my journey's as an artist and will share with me
your thoughts.
Angela's first quilt top.

Angela is my 7 year old granddaughter and this was her first top she made by herself.
What better way to share than the very
traditional with the future.